Thursday, October 14, 2010

Special word of thanks.

Hi Sandy

A special word of thanks to you for being so accommodating and understanding.

Just remember: The little things are the things that count, as we journey along life's way.

Your were great. Will keep in touch.

Thank you.


The Last Moments

Hi Folks

The time is here..... Finally our last session with this group of 2010. What an amazing year it was. For me there were good times and sad times. As I was admitted to hospital twice ; once in November 2009 and in January 2010 I was booked for till April 2010. I suffered from MAJOR DEPRESSION DISORDER. It was tough to cope. My son also has an eye disease which will lead to blindness. His retinas keep on detaching. He had 6 operations to attach it everytime. He is also very frustrated because it is a disease that older people get. He is only 15 years old.

Let me now focus on the good. Thanks to Sandy who organised that I could join Lizette's group on Mondays. I still need to do one more module: Management. This will be done during the December holidays. I am looking forward to it.

Now we have to part. Let us keep in touch by using all the new technology that we have learnt in this course especially the skills that Sandy taught us. Every one brought a special dimension to this class. Nazeem was taken up in hospital. We really missed him in class. He was always so vibrant. I am glad that he is well again. Now the end is near................... Keep well. Love you all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catching up

Today I am feeling much better and more positive. I joined our wiki today and what a joy it was. I hope to add much more value to our wiki. I am not 100% comfortable yet, but I know that I am going to get there. Also browsed other Wikis and it gave me an idea what it is all about. We now have to make use of all the skills and knowledge that we accumulated during the course. I am much more empowered than before but am positive about the positive changes that I can bring about. There are still lots to catch up as I was absent for few classes due to circumstances beyond my control. But I am willing to go the extra mile to catch up with everything. My mission is to create a Wiki for the Grade 7 class since this is a collaborative tool. They will enjoy it as I am just as enthusiatic to start. Nowadays you really have to go the extra mile to get their attention and to keep them focussed. Which better way than Wiki??
What I like most about the Wiki is that the work can be edited at any time by any member and that there is a history to prove who is participating and who not.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Essay and Test results

Hi Sandy

I was so worried about my results for my test and essay. I could have done better. I am quite satisfy with my results.

Thanks for your guidance and assistance throughout the course thus far. I now know a little more about blogging, websites and more.

Thank you.

I was very worried about the results of my essay and test. I could have done better. But I am quite satisfy with the results. Thank you Sandy for all your guidance thr0ugh0ut the course.

I now know a little bit more about websites, blogging and more.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hi Josephine

It is really good to practice what we were taught in class. Our network at school collapsed for almost a month now. It is frustrated. So I did not practice for quite some time. This is holding me back. I hope that the network will be up and running again.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Adding hyperlink to my blogger

This is my link to the Wiki about ICT Applications, and this is my link to an interesting article about Internet Filtering that Sandy provided for us. An easier way of accessing Wikipedia.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Appointment with Letitia

I made an appointment to see Letitia next week. Myrtle is going with me. I believe that Letitia is such a sweet and helpful lady because I was worried about people's attitudes. Sometime people adopt the attitude that you can help yourself as you are a future librarian and should know it all. I am now very at ease and looking forward to our appointment.


Thanks to Myrtle who helped me with hyperlinking. She is always willing to assist. Thanks. Here is my link to varsity.
Was absent last week. Missed out. I must practise because practise makes perfect. I know that I will master blogging.

Today we dealt with Internet Filtering. It was quite interesting as we worked through the slides. A lot of information was shared by students who are doing Internet Filtering.

Due date for essay is next week. Oh gosh !!!!! Time really flies. Will try my best to present a good essay.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Interesting Websites

I am feeling much comfortable and at ease today. We viewed a lot of interesting websites. I think that all these websites will make my life and the life of my users more easier if we are going to use it. I must really make time to access all these websites. School and teaching really keep us busy but I have to find the time.

Thanks Sandy


Thanks and appreciation

Dear Sandy

Thanks for the opportunity to come in earlier just to refresh my memories about blogging.
As I was absent the first lesson, it was really hard for me to catch up. After assistance by you, Sandy it looks easier than what I thought.

I found it managable and very interesting. I think just by practising I will be able to do it.

Thanking you.
