Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Last Moments

Hi Folks

The time is here..... Finally our last session with this group of 2010. What an amazing year it was. For me there were good times and sad times. As I was admitted to hospital twice ; once in November 2009 and in January 2010 I was booked for till April 2010. I suffered from MAJOR DEPRESSION DISORDER. It was tough to cope. My son also has an eye disease which will lead to blindness. His retinas keep on detaching. He had 6 operations to attach it everytime. He is also very frustrated because it is a disease that older people get. He is only 15 years old.

Let me now focus on the good. Thanks to Sandy who organised that I could join Lizette's group on Mondays. I still need to do one more module: Management. This will be done during the December holidays. I am looking forward to it.

Now we have to part. Let us keep in touch by using all the new technology that we have learnt in this course especially the skills that Sandy taught us. Every one brought a special dimension to this class. Nazeem was taken up in hospital. We really missed him in class. He was always so vibrant. I am glad that he is well again. Now the end is near................... Keep well. Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Wendy
    Since I know about your situation I want to tell you that you must always put you trust in the Lord. He will never let you down. You are a strong woman and know that you and your family is in His care.
