Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catching up

Today I am feeling much better and more positive. I joined our wiki today and what a joy it was. I hope to add much more value to our wiki. I am not 100% comfortable yet, but I know that I am going to get there. Also browsed other Wikis and it gave me an idea what it is all about. We now have to make use of all the skills and knowledge that we accumulated during the course. I am much more empowered than before but am positive about the positive changes that I can bring about. There are still lots to catch up as I was absent for few classes due to circumstances beyond my control. But I am willing to go the extra mile to catch up with everything. My mission is to create a Wiki for the Grade 7 class since this is a collaborative tool. They will enjoy it as I am just as enthusiatic to start. Nowadays you really have to go the extra mile to get their attention and to keep them focussed. Which better way than Wiki??
What I like most about the Wiki is that the work can be edited at any time by any member and that there is a history to prove who is participating and who not.


  1. Hi Wendy
    Good luck with all your future endeavors. You are a fast learner.Stay positive and make it your first priority to use wikis to accomodate the children and the teachers learning and teaching environment. We cannot afford to be left out. We need to stay ahead of them. Enjoy your learning!

  2. The skills and knowledge that we gain is fantastic .We are so limited in the foundation phase to create what we have learned. You doing very well with all your setbacks . Keep it up

  3. Dear Wendy. Your enthusiasm regarding your work is contagious. Thank you for your positive comments on my blog and for always encouraging us to strive to do better. Much obliged.
